Wide view of Venice: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni

The "real" Plague Doctor outfit in Marseille 1720?

by Johann Melchior Füssli - 1677-1736

In Marseilles, in 1720, started the last big outbreak of Bubonic Plague in France and Western Europe.

It was a quite big strike, as it killed about 100,000 people in the three years it lasted: 50,000 in Marseilles and the rest going north in France.

Population in Paris was around 600,000 inhabitants, at the time, and in Marseille around 75,000 ... just to give an idea.

This is supposed to be an ironic and satirical drawing, with the herbs lit on fire and allowed to smolder, so maybe it is not representing the real situation.

"Abris und Borstelling derer herrn Doctorum Medicinae zu Marseille, als welche mährenderBestzeit in Corduan leder gefleidet, mit einem die Beft vertreibende Rauchwerch angefülten Mafen Ficter, und mit einem Fleinen Stecflein in der hand den Kranchen den Bielf damis zu fühlen, verfehen gewefer."

"Authentic portrait of a Doctor in Marseille, dressed with a Moroccan leather (goat leather) and a nose protection, full of scents against the plague, and also holding in his hand a small stick so he can check
the pulse of the diseased."

Satirical engraving by Johann Melchior Füssli of a doctor of Marseilles
clad in cordovan leather and with his nose-case filled
with smoking material to keep off the plague.
With the wand he is to feel the pulse - (ca. 1721)

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