Wide view of Venice: Piazza San Marco - Riva degli Schiavoni

INGANNO LUSINGHEVOLE - Flattering Deception

by Giovanni Grevembroch - 1731-1807

She is a Fortune-Teller, an Astrologer, a profession which was quite developed in the old times - it still is! - and the idea was of course to do anything, just to get some money out of these suckers.

She uses this long cane to transmit her message - and make it more magic? - talking about planets and stuff. Nothing so really different of how it works nowadays.

The Fortune Teller usually ends up her predictions with a sort of disclaimer:

"Gl'Astri il mirar non dà cosa sicura:
Evidenza non ha, chi congettura."

"Looking at the Planets
doesn't give a sure result:
There is no proof, only speculation."

Giovanni Grevembroch: 
"Inganno Lusinghevole" (Flattering Deception)
pen, ink & watercolor (18th century)
Giovanni Grevembroch:
"Inganno Lusinghevole" (Flattering Deception)
pen, ink & watercolor (18th century) - Museo Correr, Venezia

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